
GEneric Medical Survey Tracker

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releasenotes [2012/07/10 16:06]
— (current)
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-====== Release notes ====== 
-===== Version 1.5.4 ===== 
-2010-06-07 rev[628]-rev[738] 
-The settings below were added to the project.ini,​ please review them and add to your own project.ini on upgrade from a previous version. 
-<code ini project.ini>​ 
-; Use the loglevels as defined in Zend_Log to define the highest level of errors to log 
-; 0 Emergency: system is unusable 
-; 1 Alert: action must be taken immediately 
-; 2 Critical: critical conditions 
-; 3 Error: error conditions 
-; 4 Warning: warning conditions 
-; 5 Notice: normal but significant condition 
-; 6 Informational:​ informational messages 
-; 7 Debug: debug messages 
-; Defaults for production are 3 (error) and 7 (debug) for testing and development,​ uncomment the 
-; line below to use a custom setting 
-;logLevel = 6; 
-; Location of the '​wkhtmltopdf'​ binary, be sure to use the latest 
-; binary from http://​​p/​wkhtmltopdf/​ 
-export.wkhtmltopdf =  
-Added / changes: 
-  * Export of all respondent data on a single page or PDF 
-  * Added maximum number of reminders sent to tokens 
-  * Fixed multiple issues with user login and staff creation 
-  * Fixed handling of token return on multi-url sites 
-  * Fixed several date display and editing issues 
-===== Version 1.5.3 ===== 
-2010-04-20 rev[544]-rev[627] 
-===== Version 1.5.2 ===== 
-2010-02-13 rev[482]-rev[543] 
-==== New and noteworthy ==== 
-This was a minor upgrade adding useful extra functionality:​ 
-  * Unordered List ItemUpgrade is migrated to work in batch, also updating the system to work with '​Tasks'​ as an abstract step in the batch process 
-  * Respondent creation and initial password added to UserLoader? 
-  * Menu has new helper method: public function findController($controller,​ $action = '​index'​) more info in [506] 
-  * Renamed project.ini setting concentRejected to consentRejected 
-  * Default consent can be changed from '​Unknown'​ to something else in Project.ini setting consentDefault,​ please check local respondentController 
-===== Version 1.5.1 ===== 
-2010-02-13 rev[455]-rev[482] 
-==== New and noteworthy ==== 
-This was a minor upgrade adding useful extra functionality:​ 
-  * Track rounds can be marked with an icon 
-  * Tracks have a completion event 
-  * Mail templates can show track field information 
-  * Mail templates show the number of survey to do 
-  * Login fix for single organisation projects 
-  * Display logged in user / login link, add a line to the project.ini (layoutPrepare.login = header_bar or check new_project for more detail) 
-===== Version 1.5 ===== 
-2010-01-26 rev[112]-rev[455] 
-==== New and noteworthy ==== 
-Below is a short list distilled from the >300 commits. It needs more explanation on some parts and could include more or less info. Please update as fits. 
-  * Survey object now has method ->​isTakenByStaff() that should be self explanatory 
-  * Survey source configuration screens have better descriptions now 
-  * Maintenance mode is now toggled by a button in the Setup -> Project setup screen 
-  * In the same screen the is also a clean cache button 
-  * {caching introduced, tell dependencies) 
-  * Mailjobs are now user-configurable instead of in configfile and can be suspend without touching the cron-job 
-  * A new role ‘master’ is introduced that always has all privileges, should be assigned to a group to allow full access. This is optional and the project superuser as specified in config has the same effective rights. 
-  * Project variables are now moved to a Gems_Project_ProjectSettings object, this is a BC-change 
-  * The new password systems stores checksums with a salt set in the project.ini. GemsTracker won't start without a salt. 
-  * Bsn->ssn 
-  * Introduced upgrade system (#34) 
-  * Organizations can see each others patients (explain) 
-  * Password weakness check 
-  * Default session timeout 30 minutes (commit 237-246) ini: session.idleTimeout of 1800 seconds 
-  * Groups have optional ip-range as does project setting admin.ipRanges 
-  * User login 
-  * #301 receptioncodes change… checken 
-  * Batch processing 
-  * Roles in group edit no longer translated to avoid confusion 
-  * Reactivate deleted staff 
-  * EventCalculation?​->​sumInt en averageInt imporved, check calculations! 
-==== Upgrade instructions ==== 
-To be completed later... 
-  * Log in using project admin user from project.ini 
-  * Go to Setup -> Upgrade and choose Gems, and choose Execute all (from the menu) 
-  * The patchlevels 42 and 43 will be executed, new tables will be created and the surveys will be synced from their source 
-  * Add a salt to the project.ini 
releasenotes.1341929187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/12 12:08 (external edit)