
GEneric Medical Survey Tracker

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userdoc:quickstart [2012/08/24 15:40]
Roel removed
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-====== Quickstart guide ====== 
-To get a quick start with GemsTracker,​ follow this guide. If you have any difficulties,​ feel free to ask a question in the forums or edit this wiki. 
-===== Requirements ===== 
-  * [[http://​​download/​latest|Zend Framework]] 
-    * Zend Framework ​ 
-    * Zend Framework external: ZendX 
-  * [[http://​​projects/​gemstracker/​files/​​download|GemsTracker new_project package]] 
-  * Optional: LimeSurvey [[http://​​en/​download]] 
-===== Installation ===== 
-  - download Gemstracker:​ [[http://​​projects/​gemstracker/​files/​]] 
-  - Extract files 
-    - Copy files from folder '​new_project'​ to your project folder or rename folder ‘new_project’ to [project name] 
-    - Make sure the /var folder and everything below it is writable by the webserver 
-  - go to [project]/​application/​configs/​application.ini 
-    - replace '​NewProject'/​Escort.php by [project name] /Escort.php at bootstrap.path 
-    - replace '​NewProject'​_Escort by [project name]_Escort at bootstrap.class 
-    - replace '​HOST'​ by [hostname] at 
-    - replace '​DATABASE'​ by [database name] at resources.db.params.dbname 
-    - replace '​USER'​ by [database username] at resources.db.params.username 
-    - replace '​PASSWD'​ by [database password] at resources.db.params.password 
-  - go to [project]/​application/​configs/​project.ini 
-    - replace '​New'​ by [project name] at name 
-    - replace '​New'​ by [project description] at description 
-    - create a new random salt containing '​%s'​ 
-    - set the admin.pwd to at least 10 characters or set the `APPLICATION_ENV` environment variable to something other than '​production'​ 
-  - go to folder [project]/​application/​classes/​ 
-    - rename folder '​NewProject'​ to [project name]. 
-  - go to [project]/​application/​classes/​[project name]/​Escort.php 
-    - rename class NewProject_Escort to [project name]_Escort 
-  - go to [project]/​application/​classes/​[project name]/​Menu.php 
-    - rename class NewProject_Menu to [project name]_Menu 
-  - make the `htdocs` the web root 
-    - on Unix make a link to the `htdocs` directory 
-    - on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 or higher 
-      - with apache installations we usually use `mklink /D` on the command line to make a line 
-      - with IIS add the directory as a website or a virtual directory 
-  - run the application 
-    - login, Username = superadmin and the password from admin.pwd in project.ini 
-  - go to **Setup** > **Database** > **Execute new** 
-    - choose **yes** 
-You're Gemstracker installation is ready to [[[[userdoc:​setup|set-up]] now 
userdoc/quickstart.1345815659.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/12 12:08 (external edit)