;--------------------------------------------------------- ; LOGLEVEL SECTION ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; Use the loglevels as defined in Zend_Log to define the highest level of errors to log ; ; 0 Emergency: system is unusable ; 1 Alert: action must be taken immediately ; 2 Critical: critical conditions ; 3 Error: error conditions ; 4 Warning: warning conditions ; 5 Notice: normal but significant condition ; 6 Informational: informational messages ; 7 Debug: debug messages ; ; Defaults for production are 3 (error) and 7 (debug) for testing and development, uncomment the ; line below to use a custom setting ;logLevel = 6; ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; EXPORT SECTION ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; Location of the 'wkhtmltopdf' binary, be sure to use the latest ; binary from http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/ export.wkhtmltopdf =