====== Quickstart guide ====== To get a quick start with GemsTracker, follow this guide. If you have any difficulties, feel free to ask a question in the forums or edit this wiki. ===== Requirements ===== * [[http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF1|Zend Framework 1.x (not 2.x)]] * Zend Framework * Zend Framework external: ZendX * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/gemstracker/files/new_project.zip/download|GemsTracker new_project package]] * Optional: LimeSurvey [[http://www.limesurvey.org/en/download]] ===== Installation ===== - download GemsTracker: [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/gemstracker/files/]] - Extract files - Copy files from folder 'new_project' to your project folder or rename folder ‘new_project’ to [project name] - Make sure the /var folder and everything below it is writable by the webserver - Open [project]/htdocs/index.php in an editor - replace ‘newProject’ with [project name] on line 55: define('GEMS_PROJECT_NAME', 'newProject'); - Open to [project]/application/configs/application.ini in an editor - if you write project specific code: uncomment line 8: loaderDirs.GEMS_PROJECT_NAME_UC = APPLICATION_PATH "/classes/" GEMS_PROJECT_NAME_UC - Open to [project]/application/configs/project.ini in an editor - optionally define the project name and description at lines 2 and 3 and provide long descriptions for the project as well. - create a new random salt containing '%s' at line 15 - set an admin.pwd at least 10 characters long - optionally change other settings, e.g. set the locale.default to "nl" - Open to [project]/vars/settings/db.inc.php in an editor - set your own database access values for HOST, USER, PASSWD and DATABASE - optionally specify your environment, the Gems and Zend library directories - optionally adapt your include path to the local installation (by default the Gems and Zend directories are set later). - go to folder [project]/application/classes/ - rename folder 'NewProject' to [project name]. - go to [project]/application/classes/[project name]/Escort.php - rename class NewProject_Escort to [project name]_Escort - go to [project]/application/classes/[project name]/Menu.php - rename class NewProject_Menu to [project name]_Menu - if you do not plan to have a projects specific menu, remove or rename the file - make the `htdocs` the web root - on Unix make a link to the `htdocs` directory - on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 or higher - with apache installations we usually use `mklink /D` on the command line to make a line - with IIS add the directory as a website or a virtual directory - run the application - login, Username = superadmin and the password from admin.pwd in project.ini - go to **Setup** > **Database** > **Execute new** - choose **Yes** Your GemsTracker installation is ready to [[.:setup|set-up]] now