1.5.5 released
A lot of changes, some of them need your special attention:
- UPGRADE WARNING: Check all your (snippet) extensions to RespondentAction, TrackAction, SurveyAction and project specific versions of ShowTrackTokenSnippet and ShowSingleSurveySnippet:
- you may need to specify extra parameters as the menu items need to know the organization id
- Internally code no longer uses the ‘Hidden Organization’ but expects both an id1/patientNr plus an id2/organizationId to be specified
- Externally the organization id is still left out of the url when not needed
- New default: user can only login to his own organization and needs to switch after login if desired, to enable old behaviour that could lead to problems with duplicate logins see $allowLoginOnOtherOrganization in Gems_User_UserLoader
- In project.ini, export.wkhtmltopdf has been renamed to export.pdfExportCommand, and which now stores the entire command line to the pdf export binary (wkhtmltopdf, Phantom.js or similar).
And also the following has changed but probably won’t need a fix in your project:
- Role editing has become more interactive and safer to use
- New projects start with a basic css template
- The normal time it takes to answer a survey can be added and surveys have a code field
- Export of survey data can be selected by respondent id or by track
- Track and survey maintenance is extended with round and field deletion and more powerfull selection tools
- All maintenance tasks show some explanation on what they do
- New default: Forms are no longer lazy by default. Use $form→setLazy(true) if you need it
- New setting: in project.ini you can set cache to any of “none”, “apc”, “file” to influence what kind of cache to use