New and noteworthy
Below is a short list distilled from the >300 commits. It needs more explanation on some parts and could include more or less info. Please update as fits.
- Survey object now has method →isTakenByStaff() that should be self explanatory
- Survey source configuration screens have better descriptions now
- Maintenance mode is now toggled by a button in the Setup → Project setup screen
- In the same screen the is also a clean cache button
- {caching introduced, tell dependencies)
- Mailjobs are now user-configurable instead of in configfile and can be suspend without touching the cron-job
- A new role ‘master’ is introduced that always has all privileges, should be assigned to a group to allow full access. This is optional and the project superuser as specified in config has the same effective rights.
- Project variables are now moved to a Gems_Project_ProjectSettings object, this is a BC-change
- The new password systems stores checksums with a salt set in the project.ini. GemsTracker won’t start without a salt.
- Bsn→ssn
- Introduced upgrade system (#34)
- Organizations can see each others patients (explain)
- Password weakness check
- Default session timeout 30 minutes (commit 237-246) ini: session.idleTimeout of 1800 seconds
- Groups have optional ip-range as does project setting admin.ipRanges
- User login
- #301 receptioncodes change… checken
- Batch processing
- Roles in group edit no longer translated to avoid confusion
- Reactivate deleted staff
- EventCalculation?→sumInt en averageInt imporved, check calculations!