
GEneric Medical Survey Tracker

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A complete list of all features is not possible, but here are some of the most important.

  1. Survey management
    1. follow up surveys
    2. surveys dependent on answers (events) in previous surveys
    3. multiple people to answer surveys concerning one person
    4. define tracks as a sequence of surveys, depending on time or event
    5. different tracks assigned to different people
    6. different tracks for different organizations
  2. Interface
    1. easy search as you type interface
    2. powerful overview and search features
    3. organization based layouts
    4. complete administrative interface
    5. template based automatic emailing
    6. multiple alternatives to email (PDF, token url, using snail mail)
  3. Development
    1. strong project based extension possibilities
    2. powerful and adaptable interface building from code
    3. configurable for production, demonstration, testing and development installations
    4. active development community
  4. Privacy and security
    1. low level data separation of answers and patient identification data
    2. adaptable cross-organization access rights
    3. random secret patient identifiers
    4. complete logging of email messages sent
    5. complete logging of patient access (can be turned off)
    6. extensive rights system
    7. strong, extensible, role based password check algorithms
    8. organization based IP-filtering
featurespage.1344502950.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/12 12:08 (external edit)