
GEneric Medical Survey Tracker

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General information

The GemsTracker software, allows organizations to have their own secure data collection site where data can be accessed, submitted and modified. GemsTracker can be seen as a 'toolbox' for setting up your own data collection system. Normaly one site corresponds to one research study but it is also possible to run multiple studies on one site simultaneously. Additionally, different organisations can use the same site but share the same measurement tracks. In this case data for each organization is separately stored and visualized for it’s users. This way, a GemsTracker site is used as a (national) database for quality registrations or research. For each organization the GemsTracker site can be modified according to the style and required functionality of the organization.

GemsTracker involves both the patient and the professional (researchers, healthcare workers, management) in the process of data collection. The activities to be performed are centered around a measurement track. This track shows which measurement should be performed by whom at what times. GemsTracker has therefore a built in track engine (for process control) which ensures that the correct measurements, at the right times are offered to the right person. Moreover, GemsTracker has a track builder which is used to define measurement tracks.

Via a GemsTracker website healthcare professionals can assign measurement tracks to patients so measurements are offered at regular intervals to monitor treatment progress. This way a healthcare professional can offer (a series of) questionnaires to the patient (on-site, via a computer, via email or on paper) or look up the results of a measurement (eg a specific test or an outcome) which was entered by a professional. The GemsTracker interface is aimed at providing professionals an overview of the available patient data and the data still to be collected from the patient at all times.

Demonstration site

If you want to play a little with GemsTracker, you can try our Online demo with username and password staff. Please be kind and don't mess up the system but tell us when you find bugs or security flaws.

general/start.1347269499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/12 12:08 (external edit)