1.6 released

Today we released version 1.6 of the GemsTracker code. This is a major release and although we tried to keep changes as minial as possibleĀ it could break backward compatibility. Please read the release notes carefully before upgrading and if you find any problems, don’t hesitate to report them in the bugtracker.

You can find the download at SourceForge.

Presentations on Gemstracker

Here you find two presentations on how GemsTracker can be used in clinical research and quality registrations:

GemsTracker: About integrating science into daily clinical care

From research to clinical care and back: designing ICT infrastructure

Kwaliteit van zorg gemeten

Gemstracker: systematische dataverzameling

Prezi on quality registrations at Equipe Zorgbedrijven using Pulse/ GemsTracker

Talks by Harm Slijper and Ruud Selles, Spring/ Summer 2013.

1.5.7 released

Recently we released version 1.5.7 and updated our demo site. Check out the documentation for information on what has changed.

1.5.6. released

  • Transparent lessCss compiling was added. When you add a .less file GemsTracker will take care of compiling it to css. If you need to force a recompile, add the ?compilecss parameter to your url.
  • Events can be specified at the GemsTracker level as well as the project level
  • Surveys can now have their own survey specific display, in a manner similar to event system
  • Several interface bugs/improvements were solved/written