1.6.4 is finally here

Yesterday we made the library and new project file for 1.6.4 available for download at SourceForge. It took a while but we have some great new features for you:

  • Import functionality for Respondents, Appointments and Answers
  • A project can define default track fields to be added to all new tracks
  • Two new track field types were added: caregiver and treatment, both linked to appointments
  • It was made easier to add other track field types at project level
  • Easy customization of site template using Less
  • OpenRosa surveys now can use geopoints, images and one repeating group
  • And of course some bugfixes

Because of code changes in the library existing projects need to be careful when upgrading. Check the release notes carefully before upgrading and perform the search and replace code edits described there. If you find any problems, please report them in our bugtracker.

As always: we try to do out best to keep things understandable but if you get lost or feel information is lacking in the documentation please feel free to give us a shout or (preferably) add some information to the wiki yourself!

1.6.3 released

We have not added a lot of news to the site lately so that gave us plenty of time to create a shiny new version of GemsTracker. As of today the new 1.6.3 version is available for download at SourceForge. We did not skip 1.6.2, we were so busy we just forgot to put a message here. So if you are coming from 1.6.1, make sure to check the release notes for both 1.6.2 and 1.6.3!

There could be some incompatibilities with existing code, so make sure to read the release notes carefully before upgrading. If you find any problems, please report them in our bugtracker.

As there are some cool new features stay tuned for updates to the documentation or help use to improve it by adding some articles yourself if you find missing or incorrect information.

Pulse/ GemsTracker wins Achmea Quality Award

13-9-2013 –

De Achmea Quality Award 2013 is toegekend aan ‘Pulse’, het kwaliteitssysteem dat Xpert Clinic in samenwerking met het Erasmus Medisch Centrum heeft ontwikkeld.


De prijs is bedoeld voor het beste idee of project, dat de uitkomsten van zorg meetbaar verbetert. De winnaars werden gisteren bekend gemaakt door Gerdi Verbeet, voorzitter van Patiëntenfederatie NPCF, op het Achmea Congres ‘Zorguitkomsten’.

Pulse is voor Xpert Clinic dé manier om alles wat we doen te meten, te volgen en te verbeteren. We zijn daardoor 100% transparant voor patiënten, collega’s, huisartsen en verzekeraars. En we delen die informatie met hen.

Met de data in Pulse creëren we nieuwe mogelijkheden en inzichten waarmee we heel gericht en gefocust kunnen innoveren op het gebied van chirurgie en therapieën. Input van patiënten is echter cruciaal, want het draait allemaal om hoe onze patiënten de behandeling beleven. Die informatie geven zij aan ons door. Deze prijs hebben we daarom alleen kunnen winnen dankzij onze patiënten. Wij zijn alle patiënten erg dankbaar voor hun bijdrage.

Kijk hier voor meer informatie of bekijk het filmpje op Skipr.

1.6.1 released

It has been a while since our last release but finally 1.6.1 is here. We fixed some bugs, improved code and documentation and added some new features. We don’t expect any backward incompatibility so upgrading from 1.6 should be easy. Give it a try today but ofcourse first read the release notes carefully before upgrading and if you find any problems, don’t hesitate to report them in the bugtracker.

You can find the download at SourceForge.
