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Making Lime Survey questionnaires more adaptive to changes in data collection:

1. possibility to hide answer options (vertically and horizontally, also in array questions). Please make sure the code is added to the LimeSurvey layout template. By putting -/- before an answer option, it is hidden in the interface, while data structure is maintained. Link to code that implements this in the template can be found here.

2. Insert hidden questions inbetween existing ones so when you want to alter questionnaires, you might only have to change answer options and unhide them.

3. Add a few hidden equation questions at the end of your questionnaire. They can be used to insert computed scores from a php script running in Gemstracker (an after anwnser event code).

userzone/userdoc/making_your_questionnaires_limesurvey/question_codes_lime_survey/tips_for_lime_survey.1447320416.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/12 12:08 (external edit)